UV-C Air Santising System

UV-C Sanitising Systems

Air-borne viruses and pathogens are a constant worry for most offices, Hotel and Restaurants. Let us help you select a solution to help clear the air. UV-C is used in Hospitals to sanitise medical instruments in operating theatres - Our system does the same job but for the air we breathe. 

If you would like to know more contact us, we would love to help you. 

Why use an Air Sanitiser?

Being able to offer your staff and clients a breath of fresh air that is clear of odours, known viruses and pathogens has to be a good thing. We offer supply, installation as well as full maintenance to give piece of mind. The system is so powerful it can replace the air in a standard sized restaurant NINE times every hour so is constantly working to make your environment clean and safe. 

Provides Clear Air

Safe To Use

Kills Germs

Cloud based Control

Portable UV-C Air Sanitiser - Day Time

During the day the air passes through a medical-grade HEPA filter, trapping any larger contaminants, and finally through a high intensity UVC chamber, capable of delivering a dose of over 240J/M3 - enough to neutralise even the most resilient coronaviruses studied.

Portable UV-C Air Sanitiser - Night Time

The UV-C Sanitiser is also a powerful ozone generator, which can be set to activate when a room is unoccupied, filling the environment with ozone gas. When the ozone comes in to contact with items and surfaces, it eradicates viruses and bacteria, sterilising everything it touches

We have a range of new solutions for virtually any application from units that can be fitted into Lifts, on the wall in Schools classrooms, in the ceilings of large Offices, mobile units for Meeting Rooms, bespoke units for Vehicles and food safety approved units for Restaurants and food preparation areas.  Please call for a consultation to see which system suits your application.

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